Let's start by adding a way to the user to add data to the their firebase database.
To do this we will be using the FirebaseDatabaseMutation component from @react-firebase/database.
link_url: string,
link_description: string,
created_at: timestamp,
updated_at: timestamp
<FirebaseDatabaseMutation type="push" path="user_bookmarks">
{({ runMutation }) => (
onSubmit={ev => {
const newLink = get(this.newLinkTextFieldRef, "current.value", "");
const newMeta = get(this.newLinkMetaTextFieldRef, "current.value", "");
await runMutation({
link_url: newLink,
link_description: newMeta,
created_at: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP,
updated_at: firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
set(this.newLinkTextFieldRef, "current.value", "");
set(this.newLinkMetaTextFieldRef, "current.value", "");
<input label="New Link URL" ref={this.newLinkTextFieldRef} />{" "}
<input label="New Link Metadata" ref={this.newLinkMetaTextFieldRef} />{" "}
<button type="submit"> + </button>